Wednesday, 26 September 2007

blah blah blah

I'm far too emotionally involved with my results at the moment, I think this may be down to not getting enough sleep as that does have a tendancy to amp up the importance of things in my head.

I played a reasonable session of 2-4 omaha last night, ran reasonably although it could and maybe should have been better than it was. I managed to hugely irritate myself as I got involved in a big pot, hit top set and went to check raise the original raiser - fine up to here and then when it got checked round I decided not to believe his bet on the turn and moved in despite a 57 giving a straight to beat me - I really shouldn't do this and it was wasteful, I don't mind losing when I have strong draws or get outdrawn but putting all your money in when way behind is just stupid adn not something which I have a massive tendancy to do.

Unfortunately I slipped from a 3k starting balance to under 2k and at this point I started to get irritated, was about to go to bed when I realised that I just needed to concentrate and play the game I intend to when I sit down, plus I was too annoyed to go to bed at that point as I couldn't accept having lost the amount I had.

Anyway things started to pick up and I had a $400 stack with AA and just limped in late position, flop cam AT2 rainbow which was a beautiful sight to my tired eyes, early position bet pot, I flat called as I didn't want to give my hand away and only a JQor K could hurt me. Four people saw the turn which came 8h not filling any potential straights but putting a heart flush draw on the board. Original better bet pot for $100 and I reraised all in for $350. Other opponent folded which was a shame as I'll take as many callers as I can get here (likely to counterfeit each others outs) and the original better called with a very strong draw as he had KQJ5 with 2 hearts giving him 17 outs (40%ish). Board paired on the end and I took a 1k pot. I think I may have cried had this one lost as although these losses will happen it really hurts when it is in the midst of a bad run!

Went to bed shortly after that up about $300 for the day, not bad not great and yet again I alert myself to the dangers which the game has. It won't be a surprise to win or lose 6+ buy ins over a session, just need to build my bankroll back up and then losses will cease to hurt.

I'm currently winning about $50 per 100 hands which is a lovely win rate to have as I multi table and if this is sustainable over the long run it will prove to be a very profitable form of poker for me to play. That said my sample size is tiny so far and last night my overall profitability was as low as 0$ per 100 hands and as high as $85. I need to log at least 20-30 thousand hands before I get a real idea as at the moment a few buy ins will hugely distort my stats.

I need sleep, have gone to bed before coming to work at 4.30am, 1.30am and 2.30am over the last three nights, it's not big it's not clever but I want to be playing and am finding it increasingly difficult to make myself go to be when I don't overly care about work


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