Tuesday, 18 December 2007

Some fine play from me, some less fine play from my opponents

I promised I'd blog some hands, or at least one in particular so here are a couple of interesting ones from the past couple of days. Both are against massively overaggressive opponents who do tend to experience massive swings in their chips stacks.

Heart in Mouth Decision Making - http://www.pokerhand.org/?1826815

I have KK in early position in this hand and flat call the raise preflop from an aggressive player looking to capitalise on his aggression later on. 358 flop which is pretty much ideal as he is selectively aggressive but very little in his range is beating me here so I elect to flat call again, probably getting him to put me on a flush draw. 6 on turn and I check again looking to raise his next bet. He bets about the full pot putting me in a very awkward position - if I am to play this remotely properly I have to raise if I continue and will be committed for the rest of my chips.

His bet is very very strong and if I'm wrong I will be in a very bad situation. I think about his play and go with my thoughts pre and post flop and raise to $510 thereby taking away the decision if he raises as I have only $330 or so left. I am definitely looking for a fold at this point as anything else will usually signify I'm behind. Sadly he raises and I have to call as I know he can do this with a lot of weaker hands than mine. River comes a Q which was ok (not a flush) and pleasingly I saw him flip JJ to rake a big pot.

This was a hand which got my pulse racing a lot as it is way outside my comfort zone and explains why players like this can win a lot as it is so hard to put them accurately on a hand an you need to be willing to commit to decisions rather than bailing out when they bet every street. Rectified my evening and I was pretty happy with my play as I had a plan and followed it through in the face of some strong discouragement.

Right no pictures as I am an idiot and copied down the wrong HH and am not about to trawl through to find it. Anyway, 4 way pot for $30 preflop and I have 66 and will be second to act of the four players after the flop. A beauty of 26Q comes down with two spades and preflop raiser puts $100 in, I flat call with aggressive player behind to disguise and hopefully drag the flush draw in too. Aggro boy raises to $250 which means very little as he rarely has anything near what he represents, strangely last player to act calls this and raiser drops. Me to act and I have to push here as anything else is weak and I will get called by a lot behind me. Both call and I am praying for no spade as I am certain one of them at least has the flush draw. Both called creating a massive $3k pot (these hurt to lose, they really hurt) Turn a 2 - get in as I have the fh and river another 2 which momentarily worried me. They flipped and aggressive player had AQ???????????????????????????????????????? and the other guy had AT spades.

I really hate both sets of play for a variety of reasons. My play is fine theirs is genuinely horrid and here is why. The guy with AQ - knows he is likely ahead of preflop raiser and raises to define position vs me - ok so far, however when player behind calls and I raise all in an easier fol could not be had, it isn't even a decision but NO, he pushs all his chips in when 95% he is behind. Awful, just awful.

Player with the flush draw - on the flop facing a big bet, call, raise he has two options depending on his reading the best of which is fold, an acceptable one is all in if he reads the players as capable of getting off hands like AQ or two pair - I wouldn't like it but it is a viable option. His call is terrible. Two players still to act and either may be on a biggie. Even if we just call the next bet will commit all his chips and make a call terrible if he has not hit on the turn. He is effectively paying $250 to see one card with a maximum 9 outs - 20% chance of hitting, as I have the set he has less outs and makes his call look even worse. His call of two people being all in after doing this is fine, expensive but ok I guess that is justifiable.

Honestly with play like this how am I not a millionaire, I just do not understand either of them in this hand and it was like christmas had come early

Good day today as a result although I am tired so may not play any more, I've put a solid 2 hours in which is pathetic but maybe I need more sleep.



Anonymous said...

all the blogs that have hand historys only show the big all in pots. i'm much more interested in the mid sized pots where you have to make a thin call or fold. this is where the profit comes from. anyone can play sets.


Steve said...

fair point and I'll try to put some more hands of this nature in