Sunday, 25 November 2007

Continued success

It's been another fine day despite some less than fine beginnings. For some reason when I sat down to start playing my mind really wasn't on the job. Dunno why but sometimes my focus can drift and I knew it wasn't a good time for me to play. Sadly however I pressed on regardless of this and against my better judgement - needless to say a couple of awful calls later I was $500 down and in a less than good mood.

At this stage I have a decision as I can, and often should, switch the computer off and walk away before more damage is done. However losing sometimes leads to me intensifying my focus and really playing well and this turned out to be the case. Grinded my way back to level and then took a break till 5am.

Since coming back on I'm $1200 up at 2-4nl hitting some fine hands and playing beautifully. It's really nice to have two good days in a row and my overall profit is now above $6k in the last two weeks!

Still not moving back up yet as I don't quite feel that it's the right time but it will be soon so watch out 5-10 I'm coming back.


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