Sunday, 25 November 2007

My best and worst hands

Since returning to hold'em I have logged 17,000 hands across 3 limits, almost all at 2-4 but most of the profit at higher stakes. My overall PTBB/100 is 3.24 but only 1.24 at 2-4 which I think says something for where I have had my lucky hands as much as anything!

Anyway during this the cream of hands has risen to the top and my top 4 hands in terms of profitability are AA,KK,QQ,JJ in that order which is no surprise to me as unlike many I think I play these extremely well. However my recent play has developped a distinct bogey hand which I have run into huge amounts of trouble with. In fact I am -$1300 with it. The hand is a classic trap hand although it is one which I always used to be profitable with and it's KQ.

Seemingly I suck badly with this holding and looking back over it I seem to either win a small pot or lose 100-200 dollars with it. I used to win with this hand in fact it used to be about the 8th most profitable for me. Something has gone badly, badly wrong with it and I am going to have to radically alter my play to rectify this.

I think I will play it a lot more cautiously and avoid raising with it much as this cannot continue and is due to lots of pots rather than one or two bigguns.

Luckily my play with my good hands far outweighs that with my rubbish as I am almost exactly up 4k with AA 3k with KK 2k with QQ and 1k with JJ. Not bad really and the rest of the hands all fit somewhere in the middle. The most I've lost with any other hand is under $400 which shows quite how badly I've played the KQ offsuit.

An the lesson is... buy pokertracker as it'll show you the holes in your game you my not have been aware of. If you are going to take poker seriously this is something I would strongly strongly recommend. How else could you know where you need to improve.


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