Sunday 1 July 2007

Oh, and that's a bad miss....

Well, i screwed up my monthly profits - got to within 1k of hitting 20k and then dropped down to 18k for the month. For some reason despite being knackered I decided to have another crack and donked off 1k chasign a flush with no reason for my calls. I can be an absolute muppet at times!

however despite this I was still only down $500 for the day and to be honest overplayed horribly as Nat was working all day - this is something I'll have to be wary of as it is very easy to fall into the trap of playing too much as you strive to win that bit more - it's a counterproductive thing for me to do and is yet another leak in my game which I know I need to fix. After screwing up my last hand of the night i struggled to sleep as i don't shrug off my own idiocy too well!

Still I can't complain as I've had my best ever month, one which would make me a very rich man if I could continue in the same vain for the next few years and I know there is tons of room for improvement. So overall it's all good. I've come through a really rocky period and regained my confidence and hitting the target I set really isn't the be all and end all it just hurts a little that i missed it.

I've got some hand analysis to do but I'll post them all in a seperate thread as this is the monthly round up. I've managed to be very successful whilst having a full time job and this all augers well for when I do this full time. When I actually think about the amounts I'm playing for and how well I'm doing (I only just made this months total in all of last year) I am genuinely exstatic about how it's going, it's just that I appear to have become ridiculously ambitious and want to have a flawless game where I can live a nice easy life doing what I love. Sadly not that easy but I'm slowly getting there - discipline is the key and I must have cost myself at least 10-15k this month alone through tired or stupid play, cut that out and all is rosy!

happy and relaxed


June Total - $16,905

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