Tuesday 4 December 2007

Return to 5-10

And it hasn't gone as well as I'd have hoped. Played well and was quite happy with my play in general but it felt like i just didn't get the run of the cards. I played so few large pots - biggest was only about $600 and I was sucked out on in that. Whenever I had something I got no action and basically bled chips for 1500 hands. Still I only lost a buy-in so it could have been a lot worse and at least I felt immediately comfortable and happy with the tables I was playing.

I'm still finding it difficult to impose any sort of routine on my days and fall so easily into bad habits with my sleep patterns. Yesterday I got up at midday stayed up till 7.30am and have risen at about 4pm today - so I have managed to miss all the daylight hours! Now it's not like I need to keep to any routine but I do feel that I should be getting up by 2pm at the latest really. Still I had good reason for staying up last night - NFL followed by Super Mario Galaxy for a couple of hours, truly a fine evening (setting aside poker results)


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