Friday 8 June 2007

Work vs Poker

Playing in the evenings after work is hard going and I've found myself pretty knackered recently as I've got into bad habits in terms of going to bed at a decent hour. Problem is that the ideal time for me to play is around 10pm - 4am which doesn't exactly fit in with a 9-5 job and just isn't feasible during the week. Poker is not a game to play when you're knackered, especially for meaningful stakes and it certainly has a negative effect on my results but I find it difficult to decide not to play purely for that reason. My discipline is usually very good but this is my biggest problem.

Having said that I had a very good evening last night - played for about 2hrs 30 and won around $2.5K. Played very solid and got involved in a couple of big hands with KQ Suited (flopped flush) and KK (flopped set) on both of these I checked the flop and let my opponents bet turn before raising them - somehow managed to get paid off big on both as opponents turned straight and lower set!! Gotta love it when slow playing pays off - doubtful I'd have got any more out of either if I'd bet the flop.

Nat is away for the weekend so I am free to play as much as I want so I'm hoping for another big weekend of profit. Any luck I'll pay my mortgage off in the next month or so and continue with the upwards progression in profits which will give me the courage to leave my job and rely upon poker.


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