Thursday 14 June 2007

Very Very Pissed Off

Won't be playing tonight as I'm going out for a few drinks and some Thai food. Once again proved to myself that playing when knackered is a bad idea as I think I put in the single worst session of poker I've ever managed. Played like a complete amateur and went on tilt again. Still ended up ahead as I was dealt the winner in a couple of big pots but it could (and should) have been a big losing night.

Anyway reason I'm posting is that I've come so close to quitting this morning as my boss has really hacked me off!! If I had a problem with an action or part of job performance of a colleague I would take them to one side, talk to them and hear what they have to say. What I wouldn't do is send abrupt and somewhat offensive emails to tell them how crap they are! What makes it worse is that everything is very easily justifiable and should not be even the smallest problem - I can take criticism but fucking emails piss me off - it's just rude and a device for keeping people at arms length without hearing any facts!

I've been annoyed for nearly 4 hours and it's not going away any time soon. If I try to speak about it then it'll get brushed off as it has in the past - I don't need to be here, I don't need to do the right thing and stay through the busy period until October but I think I should as I'm a decent person and I don't like leaving people in the lurch at the worst possible time. If I was more impulsive I would have let my annoyance come out instead of dealing with it in a professional way and explaining all the areas which have been questionned. It's really all about dealing with people and my god is that an area to work on for some I could mention

Will this get resolved - NO!, will I say anything - no!

work sucks


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