Friday 22 June 2007

Return to form (hopefully not temporary)

Well I resurrected my form last night as I couldn't sleep and made about $1800 back which is really encouraging - I badly needed a winning session and although I was slightly down for the day as a whole it has shifted my mentality back to being more positive.

Couldn't sleep due to my delightful housemate deciding yet again that it is his place to comment on my relationship to my girlfriend (we've been getting on great) with some fine words such as 'he treats you like shit' etc etc. I've had a somewhat apologetic email for this but to be honest the tone of it appears to be that he is right to interfere. Well this is very much the final straw and when he leaves in 3 weeks I do have my doubts about whether I shall make any effort to keep in contact. There are some things which you just don't do. Very near the top of this list would be to interfere in someone's relationship upsetting both parties with some fine 'helpful' advice. Throughout the year there have been a variety of things which have majorly pissed me off, one of which involves placing huge amounts of pressure on us to let his girlfriend stay for 2 weeks while she has a job here by instead of asking his so called friends, instead telling them that they've already said yes, then backtracking to the story that Nat had said yes while she was away and basically making everything very awkward to ensure that he gets his way.

Well congratulations you have been successful but have lost every ounce of respect I ever had for you so I really hope it was worth it. Simply asking as a first instance would have been nice but apparently we're not even worth that!

Sometimes it takes a while for someone to show true colours and to be honest he's upset both of us at a number of times throughout the year - lets see - having a go at someone for not doing your washing up is a bit fucking rich - no respect, no compromise, no friend of mine.


Monthly Profit 12,800

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